The buzz of Chelating Treatments.

Chelating Services: The Ultimate Detox for Strands

Hard water, chlorine from city water, pools and environmental pollutants impact the health and manageability of hair. Over time, this exposure can lead to buildup and dullness. Enter chelating salon treatments, like Olaplex Chelating or our Malibu Crystal Gel which are both detoxifying processes that revitalize hair by removing environmental impurities, minerals and product deposits.

What are Chelating Salon Treatments?

Chelating salon treatments are professional hair care procedures specifically designed to remove mineral buildup, product residue, and other impurities that regular shampooing and conditioning cannot eliminate. The term "chelate" refers to the process of binding and removing unwanted substances, and chelating salon treatments employ special formulas that dissolve and extract stubborn deposits from your hair and scalp.

The Benefits of Chelating Salon Treatments:

1. Eliminates Mineral Buildup: Hard water, containing minerals like calcium and magnesium, can leave deposits on your hair, making it dull, weighed down, and prone to breakage. Chelating treatments effectively dissolve and remove these mineral deposits, restoring your hair's natural shine, softness, and manageability.

2. Removes Product Residue: Over time, styling products, serums, and even shampoos and conditioners accumulate on your hair, creating a barrier that prevent conditioners from performing as well as they’re formulated to do. Chelating treatments break down and eliminate buildup, allowing your hair to regain its natural texture and enhancing the effectiveness of subsequent hair care products.

3. Enhances Color Vibrancy: If you're a fan of hair color, you may have experienced the frustration of seeing your vibrant hue fade over time. Chelating treatments help remove mineral deposits and environmental pollutants that can dull and distort hair color which can make your color-treated strands pop with vibrancy for longer. We love Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three for at home care once a month and following up with speciality shampoo and conditioner based on each persons needs.

4. Restores Hair Health: By detoxifying your hair and scalp, chelating salon treatments create an optimal environment for healthy hair growth. They can alleviate scalp conditions and itchiness caused by product residue or hard water, promoting a healthier scalp and overall hair health. Huge win!

Getting a Chelating Salon Treatment: What to Expect

1. Consultation: Before undergoing a chelating salon treatment, schedule a consultation. They will assess your hair condition, understand your specific concerns, and recommend the most suitable treatment for you.

2. Treatment Process: Chelating salon treatments typically involve a multi-step process. The stylist will apply a chelating treatment product to your hair, working it through from roots to ends. Depending on the product used, they may use heat or steam to enhance the treatment's effectiveness. After a specified time, the product is rinsed out thoroughly.

3. Post-Treatment Care: Following a chelating salon treatment, your hair may feel exceptionally clean. It's important to restore moisture and nourishment by using a deep conditioning treatment or hair mask. In salon we love Evo Mane Attention and Amika Soulfood. Your stylist will provide guidance on the best aftercare products to maintain the results and when to plan to return for a future treatment.

4. Treatment Frequency: The frequency of chelating salon treatments depends on your hair type, lifestyle, and the extent of buildup. For most individuals, undergoing a chelating treatment every few months or as needed is sufficient to keep the hair detoxified and refreshed. However, consult with your stylist to determine the ideal treatment schedule for your specific needs.

Chelating salon treatments offer a transformative solution to benefit all hair types. We love offering bespoke solutions to common challenges guests have that are not commonly considered.

Stacey Rackham